Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
James 1:27

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Day at the Park with Four little ones

We had a great day at the park! Braden picked up many sticks and decided to throw one in the river, which gave Lita a hard attack. I honestly thought with the ugly picture of Braden drowning in her head, we might have had to cut our day short......but she pulled through. I might add, by the way, that Braden wasn't eve close to the water...... 

Baby Isaiah just relaxed in the sun........and then he got hungary, but what do you expect from a four week old baby!

Lito and Braden were watching the sticks go down the river. We should have brought Bradens Toy Story fishing pole....who knows..he might have caught us some lunch!

Oh, my chunky cheek Tobster! After a long crawl up the steps, he made it to the slide. He went down all by himself, and was very proud......I was too :)

We Love being at the park!!!! Can't wait till Summer! By the way, I have to add, Corrin is always this calm and happy... what a blessing

1 comment:

Momma-Randa said...

What fun at the park! Felt like I was there too. Can just imagine Judy's fear when she heard the stick hit the water, I know that grandmother's heart "attack" feeling, way to pull through, Lita! So proud of Toby, Braden's SO big, Isaiah is 4 months, already? And Corinn, what a beautiful picture!!!! Thanks for sharing, almost makes me forget we got a foot of snow last night! Love, Momaranda