Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
James 1:27

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We are in Tucson Arizona right now at a Pastors'/Leaders' conference. It has been a huge blessing to be in God's word for the past three days with amazing Bible teachers. The Lord has already taught us so much and we are excited to start applying everything to our daily lives.
We have also had a blast being in the HEAT!!! Andrea called and said it snowed in Montrose yesterday...and we feel bad, but not bad enough....we had to tell her its 80 degrees here!! Oh...we are loving it. 
The day before we left for Arizona, Serah decided it would be a good idea to give Little C a little pampering. So she called me up and asked if i would paint her nails. Well, I thought to myself...piece of cake! How hard can it be to paint a toddler's toe nails? Um...let me ask you..have you ever tried it? I should have considered the fact that no one year old is going to sit contectly for over two minouts, but we did it, and with a few smuges...she looked adorable!
We also decided..if we pampered Corrin...then we should do something manly for our own son before the trip...what better than to let him do pull ups and get buff arms!!! It is funny, ever since Toby began to walk EVRYWHERE he really is turning out to be a bruiser!

Getting ready with daddy is his favorite thing to do in the morning. We put gel in his hair and dressed him for Arizona weather. However, we didn't plan on finding a water fountain that all the kids could play in at a nearby mall. So Toby's hair got worked and his clothes got all wet, but the Lord reminded Jared and I again of how good He is when we get to see Toby running and splashing with his cousins in the water! It really is a blessing.

They had so much fun! And believe it or not..there were no potty accidents..Praise the Lord!

We had to get Gelatto while we were down here. Nobody has Gelatto in Colorado!! It was so good...and as you will get to see in the next few photos..the kids might have ahd a little too much. They were playing some sort of running game, and then of coarse we had to stop them because they kept falling. It was great!

We are still in Tucson, so as more comes...we will blog!


Momma-Randa said...

I loved this entry!!! Thanks so much for sharing. I am blessed to see Toby climbing, runnning, and playing with his cousins. What a great family and you are so blessed to all get to go on a 'warm' get away together. Enjoy yourselves, 'cause winter isn't over yet!!!! LOVE you guys. Keep up the funny, touching blogging. Love Mommaranda.

John, Serah & Braden said...

Precious, precious,precious. Great job Meggan. You captured the moments! I too am blessed beyond words at all Toby can do! He is a "walking" miracle, and I am proud to call him my grandson too! I love all of you! Mom (Lita)